IQR Turtlebot4

IQR Turtlebot4

TurtleBot4 is the next generation of the world's most popular open source robotics platform for education and research. It offers more computing power, better sensors, and an even better user experience at a very affordable price.TurtleBot4 is available in two models: the TurtleBot4 and the TurtleBot4 Lite.Both are equipped with the iRobot Create3 mobile chassis, a RaspberryPi 4, Luxonis OAK-D depth camera, and a single-line LIDAR. All components are seamlessly integrated to provide a plug-and-play development and learning platform.
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Quick Start

Turtlebot4 comes fully assembled, pre-installed and pre-configured with ROS2, and with detailed user documentation, a Gazebo simulation model, demo code, and a set of tutorials. These will enable you to quickly start developing robotics applications.

Complete range of sensors

The Turtlebot4 is equipped with an array of integrated sensors suitable for many kinds of robotic research. On-board sensors include an OAK-D spatial Al stereo camera, 2DLidar, IMU, optical floor tracking sensors, wheel encoders, infrared sensors, cliff and collision detection, and more. All on-board sensor data is available via a network connection using the ROS2 Topic mechanism.

Excellent mobility

Turtlebot4 is built on the iRobot Create3. create3 is an educational robot with a robust mobile chassis that offers a range of intelligent sensors for precise positioning and localization, can carry a load capacity of 9 kg (up to 15 kg with custom configurations), and has a top speed of 0.306 m/s. create3 has a separate ROS interface. Unlike previous Turtlebots, it comes with a charging cradle included.

Easy to build and extend

Once you've mastered the basics, it's easy to expand the capabilities of the Turtlebot4 by adding your own sensors and customizing the load. Accessible USB ports, power distribution boards, and top mounting plates make integrating third-party hardware and components simple. With ROS2 and Micro ROS, expansion and integration of embedded microcontrollers is easier than ever.

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Additional information

model number

Standard, Lite